Game design
Experience level: Intermediate
-My current plan is to work more with unity on basic 2d design.
-I also am working on implementing blender creations into the engine.
Experience level: Intermediate
-I have just over 100 hours in this program from a few years ago and have the urge to dive back in. I greatly enjoyed the program an would love to explore allof the tools.
-My current plan is to learn the other tolls blender provides for a full sotware udnderstanding
-For trouble rendering larger projects I would seggest one of These render farms
Experience level: New
-I just began using this engine purly for the simplicity (in comparison to unreal or unity) and so far i'm enjoying the fact that it feels like Blender
-Free tutorials Here.
Web Design
Experience level: Intermediate
-My first major experience with web design was Netcentric my sophmore year of college. Through that class I learned basic HTML, CSS, and some JavaScript.
-Sometimes I practice on FreeCodeCamp, this is a very valuable website for coding experience and certifications.
-I keep a collection of web design related recources Here.
Experience level: Very experienced
-I could talk about the universe for hours :)
-Keep up to date on new images from the James Webb space telescope Here.
-James Webb Deep Field is something i'm looking forward to. This telescope has already changed textbooks, who knows what this could do.
Chinese (Mandarin)
Experience level: Fair
I took Mandarin my sophmore year and have since loved the idea of being bilingual. Language impacts how we think, therefore, knowing different languages and cultures add to how we think.
Here is a useful pinyin chart Here.
And Here is a collection of links for learning Chinese
-As of 10/10/22, I am 25% through my degree
Every class I have taken so far:
- Introdction to IT passed 9/20/22
- Applied Probability and Statistics passed 10/5/22
- Currently taking Network and Security - Foundations. Study guide Here